Sunday, September 11, 2011

Women of Truth Rise Up and Shine!

Another week has begun. Women of truth rise up and shine!  I just wanted to blog tonight to cheer you on as this work week has begun.  I need a cheerleader too. haha!  From the moment we open our eyes and crawl out of bed to the second we close them again to sleep the night away tomorrow, let us all go forth into our day looking to the One who made us to be our strength.  I'm gonna proclaim this thought to my soul today: God is all-powerful and able to carry our burdens, stresses, problems, trials and everything we could ever give Him.  God is the mighty fortress in whom we can hide and find safety as we go through this week.  God's Word says the joy of the Lord is our strength.

I want to cheer you on (and me too) to be women of joy. Let us be women who are genuinely happy to exist this day simply because God made it for us to honor Him with our lives, our giftings and talents. Let us pursue to be women of truth who seek to delight in God this week. wahoo!

Now, I would LOVE to hear from you.  There are many followers of this blog.  I see the stats each day on the blog's administration site.  You are a large group of women who hopefully are seeking, like me, to be women of truth.....of God's truth.
How are you showing your world that you are a woman of truth?  Do you have any stories to share with us all?  Maybe you have a story about your pursuit of wanting to be a woman of truth.  I'll have you know I'm definitely not the poster child for it.  I am pursuing this lifestyle too....thus this blog you are reading. ha!

So, what's your story (my friends who I call women of truth regardless of if you think you are one yet or not)? 

"Blessed is she who has believed that what the LORD has said to her will be accomplished."  -Luke 1:45

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